In Freelancing 101, we discussed freelancing and identified who a freelancer is. We also posed the question;

if everyone has a service they can render, what is my money-making service (what am I good at that people need)?

Answering this question would put you on the path to becoming a freelancer and perhaps even employed.

Now how does one become a freelancer?

But wait, is everyone meant to be a freelancer? 

We’d switch them and answer the second question first.

But wait, is everyone meant to be a freelancer? 

NO. NOT everyone is MEANT TO BE a freelancer but everyone CAN BE a freelancer.

Why did I say that? 

Because the basic ingredients of skill and personality are similar between freelancer and employed.

The divider is how these ingredients are utilized and the desire of the freelancer to be his own boss.

Now how do YOU become a freelancer? 

There are 3 things that make up the freelancer-Your SPT. They are;

  1. Your Services (what you can offer)
  2. Your Personality.
  3. Your Tools.

Your Services: To be a freelancer, you must first identify what you want to do, what your skills and knowledge are.

If you are multi-talented, it’s best to pick your strongest skill or knowledge area as your service.

If you are don’t know what you good at, ask your friends and family. They will be able to give you pointers to what you skill is.

Once you identify what you want to do, what your skills and knowledge area are, you can decide on what service you want to offer and start gathering yourself to becoming a professional in that area.

We will drop it here for now.

So first, identify your skill and knowledge area.

Already identified your skill area?  Sign up at below

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