A few days ago, I had need of a specific kind of information only a specific group of people could give me. I opened up my needs to my network and…


I was getting so much of the information coming my way that I could not process all of it.

All of this came from just one person in my network. Thanks to that person I now have another network of people I never knew a week ago. Just a single person opened me up to the wealth of knowledge I needed.

Your network is like your brain. Each person is an individual cell (neuron) and they are all connected to you.

Whatever they know you can know.

Your intelligence becomes the sum total of what you know + what your network knows.

But Sir, how do i get a network like yours?

The answer is Excellence. Taking a leaf from the bible.

Proverbs 22:29 Do you see someone skilled in their work? They will serve before kings than working for ordinary people.  NLT

The Bible really got it right there. If you do well, doors open for you. The more excellent you are, the better the quality of doors (and wallets) that open for you. Connections will get you in, Excellence will keep you there.

Quote: We are what we repeatedly do. EXCELLENCE, therefore is not an act, but a HABIT.
